About The Speaker
Philip Lindsey
Owner of Titan Motoring
Philip Lindsley has been a mobile modification specialist in Tennessee for over 22 years. His pursuit for perfection, customer service, and high-end automotive products has brought Titan Motoring from a one-man garage operation to Nashville’s premier 1 stop custom automotive shop in a matter of a few years. The foundation of his continued success is in securing dealer work that started with landing the Carmax account over a decade ago, to this day we continue to be the longest running vendor for them. It has also proved to be the springboard that launched Titan Motoring into establishing other Auto Dealer accounts which generate a consistent revenue stream. While many in the industry may have accumulated multiple degrees, certificates and awards, Phil has risen from being a tech working out of his van to owning a successful shop by learning from industry experts and acquiring skills through self-education. His rise to the top through hard work and discipline is an inspiration; especially to those just starting their career or who just took the plunge into opening their own shop. Phil's continued success proves that anyone with the passion to learn and a strong work ethic can achieve greatness.